Saturday, September 20, 2008

Man Cave, Now Less Cavish

The ceiling went up in the man cave.  It actually does make it feel more like a normal room, less like a cave.  Now, we need to tape it, spackle it, prime it and a paint it.  Then the floor needs to be installed.  There's some serious spackling needed to be done along the edges -- the stone foundation doesn't necessarily make for straight edge. 

The ceilings need to be painted a dark color.  Some people use a dark, ruby red.  Some go black or dark brown.  I definitely don't want red.  I'm thinking about Benjamin Moore's "Dragon Breath" (see above). I was all set to get it but the sample I picked up at the paint store was very, very dark and didn't look to have any brown tones at all.  Now we have to test. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel good......