Sunday, December 28, 2008

Peter's Photos and the Back Room

As requested, Peter Leslie had sent us four of his photos to hang in our house.  We like having family-produced artwork and these are great photos of the Rockies.  It took us a looong time to hang them but they're up and look great.  

They even make the back room look bigger.  

With the baby coming, we're thinking of doing something with that back nook, which has essentially gone unused.  We're thinking of adding a bar table (above) from IKEA mixed with stools from CB2 (also above).  We'd then paint it a neutral beige (BJ Carrington Beige or Bleeker Beige) to make it feel a bit more like a separate room. 

(Excuse the ordering of the photos -- they're out of whack; they uploaded in wrong order and it's a pain to fix.)

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