Friday, June 8, 2007

Connecticut (Is that how you spell it?) Here We Come

Well, we're really going to do it. After 4.5 years or so of Upper West Side living, preceded by a year in London, we're leaving NYC for the burbs. The Springdale section of Stamford, CT to be exact. Goodbye sunset rooftop parties. Hello fresh cut grass. A car. A yard. A real kitchen (and dining room). BBQs. Space. W i g g l e room. (Yeah, and a commute too.) Of course, we could have bought a condo. Maybe with a pool. Self-manicuring lawns. People who fix things for you. Naahhh. That would be too easy. Instead we bought, er, are buying a Prohibition-era house that needs some TLC -- Tender Loving Cash. It's a house now, but we're going to make it our home. Too bad we barely know the difference between a philips and a flathead screwdriver. It'll be yet another adventure.

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